Friday, 12 March 2021

Yoga (Yogam),Unity with Universe,“Gateway to divine knowledge”

Yoga (Yogam),

Unity with Universe,

“Gateway to divine   knowledge”

- A scientific explanation 

Dear all, Namasthe,
I am touching (with pranams) the feet of my guru (teacher), the great orator P.Parameswaranji.
Here I am trying to put forward a scientific view point of the great potential of Yogam– (unity with universe). We know there are three levels of consciousness, 

(a) Conscious
(b) Sub-conscious
(c) Conscious of universe (Super conscious /Divine conscious)

Yogam represents not only a physical exercise that is part of ancient Indian education and life style but an educational process that transforms mere mortals to a complete man. Transformation occurs from animal to man, then man to divine.”
Ancient India’s education process had great potential that it produced personalities like Sree Rama, Sreekrishna, Guru Viswamithr, Guru Vashisht, Guru Veda Vyas and hundreds of other eminent personalities.

A scientific explanation
Yogam says, dam your senses then there will be tremendous (will) power (Thapasakthi). Yogam advises to focus ones senses inwards to draw the tremendous will power or Tapasakthi. 

This idea is clearly explained in the first stanza of “AthmopadeshaSathakam” written by Sree Narayana Guru. In Mahadeva’s song (padi arum kadannu), when we cross the six steps (5 physical senses + 6thsense or Subtle Perception Ability) we can attain divine. Yogam helps in tuning body and mind to unity. For example, if we have to receive a signal from a television center, we have to tune our TV to a specific frequency. The same way there is a frequency of universal conscious, to communicate with that frequency (or receive) we have to tune our body through physical exercise and likewise for mind, i.e. meditation first, then consciousness, thereafter sub-conscious which will tune with universal conscious.
I have 10 years of experience with this process and feel the flow of knowledge while meditating (Prayer, meditation, imagination power are all different ways of communicating with universal Conscious).If one goes through this process he/she can become a universal personality (Yogi).

The energybalancingof the universe :-
(-An explanation by the medium of an electrical plug socket)

We can find different potentials everywhere. For example Day and night, Good or bad, plus or minus, positive and negative (all these different potentials shows the balancing of energy, flow of time, and harmony of the universe).

We know that there are three points (potentials) in an electrical plug socket (for the flow of energy we need different potentials). One is positive, another is negative and third one is neutral (These potentials are also represents the Trinity of universe) 1)srishti –creation 2) stithi– balancing or the harmony 3) Samharam-Dissolution. This is the secret of the universe energy flow or the life (Scientific theory says: -The energy can neither be created nor be destroyed but it can change from one state to another).

A yogi (a universal person) has to know this secret of balancing of the universe so as to reach that state of mind.Because of Ravana’s negative potential the universal Conscious its self came as Rama for harmony of universe. The universe created everything with balanced manner, the day and night for the flow of time and beauty, and harmony………………………

Unity with Universe (Continues-------

Is it an individual Consciousness a time traveler?

Individual Consciousness starts its journey from universe Consciousness and travelling time to time towards new destinations.

Consciousness never dies

Consciousnesses of an individual  achieves a physical body to enter a world (birth). When the life cycle completes it will shed its physical body (death) and continue its travel towards the next level . If an individual’s life span couldn't accomplish within the life cycle(before death) it will try to achieve another physical body for completing the desire……….

Is it humans are trying to become a super human or immortal?,

Yes…….in modern world the Consciousnesses of  individuals will try to achieve a  mechanical body(humanoid) then it can travel with time to future ,one day human can transfer  Consciousness (Parakaya prvesham)from a human body to a mechanical body(humanoid) 

This is a humble endeavor to bring back the scientific value of ancient India’s knowledge to children and youth.

-Sreekumar Parameswaran

Saturday, 26 November 2011

"मानव शरीर का महत्व "

"मानव शरीर का महत्व "
इस मानव देह में आत्मा के पांच आवरण हैं ,वे ही कोष कहलाते हैं | इन्हीं कोशों में अनंत शक्तियां [ रिधि ,सिद्धि आदि ] छिपी हुई है , जिन्हें पाकर जीव धन्य हो जाता है | जो इनके र हस्य को जानता है ,वह निश्चय ही परम गति को प्राप्त करता है | वे निम्न हैं:-
[१ ] अन्नमय कोष:- मानव शरीर अन्न से बनता है अत: स्थूल शरीर को अन्नमय कोष कहा गया है | आसन ,उपवास ,तत्व -शुद्धि ,और तपश्या से इसकी शुद्धि होती है |
[२] प्राण -मय कोष:- अनमय कोष के भीतर प्रान-मय कोष है | पांच महाप्राण तथा पांच लघु प्राण से यह बना है | बांध, मुद्रा ,और प्राणायाम द्वारा यह कोष सिद्ध होता है |
[३] मनोमय - कोष:- चेतना का केन्द्र मन माना जाता है | इसके वश में होते ही महान अंत: शक्ति पैदा होती है | ध्यान ,त्राटक ,जप की साधना करने से मनोमय कोष अत्यंत उज्जवल
हो जाता है
[४] विज्ञान -मय कोष:- शरीर व् संसार का ठीक -ठीक ,पूरा -पूरा ज्ञान होने को ही विज्ञान कहा है | सो-अहम की साधना ,आत्म -अनुभूति और ग्रंथि -भेद की सिद्धि से विज्ञान -मय कोष प्रबुद्ध होता है |
[५] आनंद -मय कोष:- आनंद आवरण की उन्नति से अत्यंत शान्ति को देने वाली तुरिया -अवस्था साधक को प्राप्त होती है | नाद ,बिंदु ,और कला की पूर्ण साधना से साधक में
आनंद -मय कोष जागृत होता है |
विज्ञान -मय कोष आत्मा की निकटता के कारण अत्यंत प्रकाश -मय है | इसी में अहंता ,ममता ,कर्मफल ,करता -भोक्ता ,जाग्रत ,स्वप्न ,आदि अव्स्थायं ,सुख ,दू:ख ,रहते हैं |
भगवान की अनन्य -भक्ति से संसार से विरक्ती [ श्लोक १३ /१० ] का भाव हो जाता है एवं तत्व -ज्ञान की प्राप्ति हो जाती है | भक्त कभी भी अज्ञानी नहीं रहता ,उसे तो सब कुछ
भगवान की कृपा से मिल जाता है |
इस संसार में केवल मनुष्य -योनी ही कर्म -योनी होती है ,शेष सभी योनियाँ भोग -योनियाँ कहलाती हैं | मनुष्य शरीर मिलना अत्यंत सौभग्य की बात है | इससे बड़ा सौभाग्य किसी
सद गुरु का मिलना है | इससे भी बड़ा सौभाग्य तब है ,जब सत्गुरु आपको अपना लेता है | क्योंकि तब भगवत -प्राप्ति सुनिश्चित हो जाती है |
" इत्ती "

भगवान ने मनुष्य को ,सब समय में ,करने की दो आज्ञाएं दी हैं

योग से सिद्धि ||
भगवान ने मनुष्य को ,सब समय में ,करने की दो आज्ञाएं दी हैं | प्रथम , मेरा स्मरण [ गीता श्लोक ८ / ७ ] और दूसरी वर्ण - आश्रम धर्म के अनुसार अपने नियत एवं सहज कर्म 
[ १८ / ७; १८ /४८ ] को करना | अर्जुन के सामने उस समय युद्ध करना ही उसका सहज कर्म था ,अत: भगवान ने युद्ध करने की आज्ञा दी | ज्ञानी भक्त को [श्लोक ३ /३० ]अपना सहज 
कर्म समता - युक्त निष्काम कर्म मन बुद्धि को भगवान में अर्पण करके ,भगवान के लिए ,निर्मम ,निर-अहंकार ,निस्पृह ,व निर् -विकार भाव से [ श्लोक १२ /१० ] करना चाहिए | अर्थार्त
योग - युक्त [ श्लोक ८ /२७ ] होकर कर्म करना चाहिए |
परन्तु योग की सिद्धि होने के लिए [ श्लोक ६ / १७ ] के अनुसार यथा -योग्य , आहार -विहार , कर्मों में चेष्टा ,व सोना एवं जागना ही बताया है | जिस काल में वश में किया हूवा चित , भली - भांती परमात्मा में सिथ्त्त हो जाता है , उस समय भोगों की इच्छा - रहित मनुष्य योग - युक्त कहा जाता है |
इस प्रकार कर्म करने से साधक का अंत: करण शुद्ध हो जाता है [ ४ /३८ ; ३ /१९ ] एवं उसे अपने आप ही आत्म -ज्ञान हो जाता है | तथा समता से निष्काम -कर्म -योग करने ,फल की इच्छा का त्याग करने पर परम -पद [ २ /५१ ; २ /७१ ] की प्राप्ति हो जाती है | भक्त के कर्म में अगर कोई कमी भी रह जाती है ,तो भगवान की कृपा से [ श्लोक १८ /५६ ]
वह परम -पद की प्राप्ति कर लेता है |
इसी प्रकार ज्ञान -योगी अपने बल से आत्म - ज्ञान तक तो पहुंच जाता है , परन्तु उसे ब्रह्म - ज्ञान तो केवल सद्-गुरु की कृपा से ही प्राप्त हो सकता है |
परन्तु भक्ति -मार्ग में तो सब कुछ भगवान की कृपा से ही प्राप्त हो जाता है | सुदामा , प्रहलाद , ध्रुव आदि इसके प्रत्यक्ष उदाहरण हैं |
|| इत्ती ||

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Breaking the laws of nature

Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra I

The great mantra dedicated to Shiva as Mrityunjaya is found in the Rig Veda. It is called the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra, the Great Death-Conquering mantra. It is a mantra that has many names and forms. It is called the Rudra mantra, referring to the furious aspect of Shiva; the Tryambakam mantra, alluding to Shiva's three eyes; and its is sometimes known as the Mrita-Sanjivini mantra because it is a component of the "life-restoring" practice given to the primordial sage Shukra after he had completed an exhausting period of austerity. The Maha Mrityunjaya mantra is hailed by the sages as the heart of the Veda. Along with the Gayatri mantra it holds the highest place among the many mantras used for contemplation and meditation.

ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे, सुगंधिम पुष्टि-वर्धनम
उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनं, मृत्योर मुक्षीय मामृतात

अर्थ - समस्त संसार के पालनहार, तीन नेत्रों वाले भगवन शिव की हम अराधना करते है !
विश्व में सुरभि फेलाने वाले भगवान शिव, मृत्यु न की मोक्ष से हमें मुक्ति दिलाएं

Thursday, 17 November 2011

॥ Lord Shiva's 108 Divine Names with Meaning॥

 Om Namah Shivay ॥
॥ Lord Shiva's 108 Divine Names in Hindi and English, with Meaning॥
108 Divine Names of Lord Shiva In English, with meaning -

1 Aashutosh - One who fulfills wishes instantly
2 Aja - Unborn
3 Akshayaguna - God with limitless attributes
4 Anagha - Without any fault
5 Anantadrishti - Of infinite vision
6 Augadh - One who revels all the time
7 Avyayaprabhu - Imperishable Lord
8 Bhairav - Lord of terror
9 Bhalanetra - One who has an eye in the forehead
10 Bholenath - Kind hearted Lord
11 Bhooteshwara - Lord of ghosts and evil beings
12 Bhudeva - Lord of the earth
13 Bhutapala - Protector of the ghosts
14 Chandrapal - Master of the moon
15 Chandraprakash - One who has moon as a crest
16 Dayalu - Compassionate
17 Devadeva - Lord of the Lords
18 Dhanadeepa - Lord of Wealth
19 Dhyanadeep - Icon of meditation and concentration
20 Dhyutidhara- Lord of Brilliance
21 Digambara - One who has the skies as his clothes
22 Durjaneeya - Difficult to be known
23 Durjaya - Unvanquished
24 Gangadhara - Lord of River Ganga
25 Girijapati - Consort of Girija
26 Gunagrahin - Acceptor of Gunas
27 Gurudeva - Master of All
28 Hara - Remover of Sins
29 Jagadisha - Master of the Universe
30 Jaradhishamana - Redeemer from Afflictions
31 Jatin - One who has matted hair
32 Kailas - One Who Bestows Peace
33 Kailashadhipati - Lord of Mount Kailash
34 Kailashnath - Master of Mount Kailash
35 Kamalakshana - Lotus-eyed Lord
36 Kantha - Ever-Radiant
37 Kapalin - One who wears a necklace of skulls
38 Khatvangin - One who has the missile khatvangin in his hand
39 Kundalin - One who wears earrings
40 Lalataksha - One who has an eye in the forehead
41 Lingadhyaksha - Lord of the Lingas
42 Lingaraja - Lord of the Lingas
43 Lokankara - Creator of the Three Worlds
44 Lokapal - One who takes care of the world
45 Mahabuddhi - Extremely intelligent
46 Mahadeva - Greatest God
47 Mahakala - Lord of All Times
48 Mahamaya - Of great illusions
49 Mahamrityunjaya - Great victor of death
50 Mahanidhi - Great storehouse
51 Mahashaktimaya - One who has boundless energies
52 Mahayogi - Greatest of all Gods
53 Mahesha - Supreme Lord
54 Maheshwara - Lord of Gods
55 Nagabhushana - One who has serpents as ornaments
56 Nataraja - King of the art of dancing
57 Nilakantha - The one with a blue throat
58 Nityasundara - Ever beautiful
59 Nrityapriya - Lover of Dance
60 Omkara - Creator of OM
61 Palanhaar - One who protects everyone
62 Parameshwara - First among all gods First among all gods
63 Paramjyoti - Greatest splendor
64 Pashupati - Lord of all living beings
65 Pinakin - One who has a bow in his hand
66 Pranava - Originator of the syllable of OM
67 Priyabhakta - Favorite of the devotees
68 Priyadarshana - Of loving vision
69 Pushkara - One who gives nourishment
70 Pushpalochana - One who has eyes like flowers
71 Ravilochana - Having sun as the eye
72 Rudra - The terrible
73 Rudraksha - One who has eyes like Rudra
74 Sadashiva - Eternal God
75 Sanatana - Eternal Lord
76 Sarvacharya - Preceptor of All
77 Sarvashiva - Always Pure
78 Sarvatapana - Scorcher of All
79 Sarvayoni - Source of Everything
80 Sarveshwara - Lord of All Gods
81 Shambhu - Abode of Joy
82 Shankara - Giver of Joy
83 Shiva - Always Pure
84 Shoolin - One who has a trident
85 Shrikantha - Of glorious neck
86 Shrutiprakasha - Illuminator of the Vedas
87 Shuddhavigraha - One who has a pure body
88 Skandaguru - Preceptor of Skanda
89 Someshwara - Lord of All Gods
90 Sukhada - Bestower of happiness
91 Suprita - Well pleased
92 Suragana - Having Gods as attendants
93 Sureshwara - Lord of All Gods
94 Swayambhu - Self-Manifested
95 Tejaswani - One who spreads illumination
96 Trilochana - Three-Eyed Lord
97 Trilokpati - Master of all the Three Worlds
98 Tripurari - Enemy of Tripura
99 Trishoolin - One who has a trident in his hands
100 Umapati - Consort of Uma
101 Vachaspati - Lord of Speech
102 Vajrahasta - One who has a thunderbolt in his hands
103 Varada - Granter of Boons
104 Vedakarta - Originator of the Vedas
105 Veerabhadra - Supreme Lord of the Nether World
106 Vishalaksha - Wide-eyed Lord
107 Vishveshwara - Lord of the Universe
108 Vrishavahana - One who has bull as his vehicle

Friday, 11 November 2011

The word ‘Hindu’

In the holy text the Merutantra, the word ‘Hindu’ is defined as 'Hinani Gunani dushyati iti Hindu.' Meaning that which destroys or dushyati the inferior raja-tama components or gunas (subtle spiritual components) is a Hindu. Thus, to be a Hindu is to follow a way of life that enhances the spiritually pure sattva component and sattva predominant qualities like love, humility, courage, expansiveness, etc. and overcomes the spiritually impure raja-tama predominant attitudes like anger, attachment, jealousy, greed, lust, pride etc